Psst. Just wanted to post some info from lovely crafty lady I met recently, one of our SoCo neighbors in Sebastopol. The show is a nieghborhood show, called "Yes, Virginia, there is a Christmas Show!" The host is a kick, and I can't wait to see what she has planned. Here are the specs:
Peace, love and glitter, the PCM.
Check it out:
Welcome to our 1st annual neighborhood fair,
Contributors: Susan, Sandy, Steve, Nan, Lanette, Virginia, other Longinotti friends.
Hand sewn items: ...bags, quilts, napkins, potholders, placemats
Handmade paper goods...notebooks, gift tags, cards, garlands and more!
Painted folk art...nichos, mirrors, jewelry boxes, wooden crosses, jewelry, oil cloth bags
Furniture...wooden cabinets, chairs (incredibly comfortable outdoor porch chairs & loveseats), toys, kitchen items, so much more!
Raffle (donation to girls orphanage in San Miguel de Allende) for a fantastical ornate outdoor lighting fixture!
Please feel free to stop by for gingerbread cake and hot cider.
Enjoy your holidays,
The homey hood of Virginia Ave
259 and 270 Virginia Ave 824-9675
Dec 5th & 6th "Yes, Virginia, there is a Christmas Show!" held on Virginia Ave in Sebastopol. 10:00-4:00 wonderful handmade crafts.
Dec 19th "Running With Glitter" 12-5 Petaluma Veteran's Memorial Hall, 60-85 vendors! 1094 Petaluma Blvd South
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Why Walk, when you can Run with Glitter?

"Baby, It's cold outside," he said. "Why not warm things up with a little glitter?" she smiled mischieviously. A sprinkle here, a splash, there...
The rumors are true, the whispers are telling.... and finally it seems we've landed in a glitter wonderland. The Petaluma Craft Mafia is launching it's third production, after Craftaluma, Holiday Craftacular, and now we're officially, Craftaluma,"Running with Glitter!!"
We were going to take the year off, but our crafty friends and vendors kept pestering us, so, while we will still do our spring show on May 15th, 2010, we're going to get things warmed up
for the Holidays with a runway and craft show. Whew!
Running with Glitter is hosting some of the best talent locally, and in the north bay. Handmade goodness that will help you with your shopping list and support local artists.
Come on down to the Petaluma Vet's Hall, groove to the live tunes, grab a cupcake, and take-in the glittery fashion show with some of the leading, cutting edge DIY'er designers!
We're gonna have a glitterlicious 'ol time, and the admission to the show is one buck, proceeds benefit the Phoebe Washer Foundation for the Arts.
Psst. Get there early for faboo swag bags!!
Peace, love and glitter,
The Petaluma Craft Mafia
What: Petaluma Craft Mafia hosts, Craftaluma's "Running with Glitter" Holiday Show.
When: December 19th, 2009, 12 noon- 5
Where: Petaluma Veteran's Hall
Admission - 1 buck - Swell swag bags for the first fifty folks.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Pin-Ups for Paws

So many causes, charities, we'd love to get involved in them all. We in the Petaluma Craft Mafia try to help out wherever we can. One organization that is near and dear to our hearts is helping out our local animal shelter, the Petaluma Animal Shelter. We have been brainstorming on this for a few years, and finally the time is right to make Petaluma's first Crafty Pin-Up Calendar. Proceeds will go to Petaluma Animal Shelter. What a fabulous way to support your local Animal Shelter, and see your Petaluma Craft Mafia ALL year 'round! You may also learn a thing or two about a particular craft...
Be sure to stay posted here, and on our Facebook page for updates on our "Crafty Pin-Ups for Paws" calendar coming in 2010.
Peace, love and glitter,
Your Petaluma Craft Mafia
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Petaluma Vintage Holiday Boutique

Pssst! A little birdie just whispered in our ear that the annual Petaluma Vintage Holiday Boutique is this Saturday, November, 21st from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Open Door Church at 5th and B streets.
Is there anything better then Vintage I ask you? Not unless you're talking a big scoop of Ben and Jerry's coffee ice cream.... or a million dollars falling from the sky. Even, then, it's a close tie! Lucky you won't need a million dollars, because the admission to PVHB is free.
This show is produced by one of the most adorable, sweet and creative women here in Petaluma. She is golden, incredibly creative and has been a encouraging support to Petaluma's Craft Mafia. We heart her! The Petaluma Vintage Holiday Boutique is one of my favorite shows in Petaluma. Come on down this Saturday, be inspired and say "hello" to Eileen and the crafty vendors. Tell her the Petaluma Craft Mafia sent you... See ya there!
Ciao, ciao darlings!
Your Nortoriously Glittery Petaluma Craft Mafia
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Petaluma Craft Mafia HEARTS Modern Seamster

Last summer, the Petaluma's Craft Mafia were invited to sit down for an exclusive interview with the editorial staff of what is quickly becoming a favorite read for us, Modern Seamster.
It was first love at reading a jam packed full of goodness about sewing, the arts and crafts scene, music, culture, fashion. And of course, we fell in love with the hardworking, hard playing staff (after all, we identified with their spirit, and can do attitude). They took us to lunch, at a local restaurant here in P-Town, and got a gander at our hometown of Petaluma and were surprised it was so bustling! We enjoy it so much, and came away feeling incredibly inspired by the talent and vision of this new magazine. We are part of a series they are doing on our entire famiglia, the Craft Mafia.
If you haven't checked out Modern Seamster do so now, Issue #2 is just amazing! Amazing, and you will just have to be patient for Issue #3, "The sixties" issue!
Amore, and a big shout out to Modern Seamster!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Petaluma's Crafty First Family in the press... again!!

"We love our hometown paper, with it's crafty hometown flavor."
-The Petaluma Craft Mafia
We crafty mafiaosa peeps, try to maintain a low-profile, but the darned media, why, they LOVE us! And guess what? We love them back!
We appreciate our hometown newspaper's support of their craft family, the Petaluma Craft Mafia, but the spreading the good cheer to the community of creatives and other crafty folk throughout. I can't tell you how many times articles such as Yovanna's have inspired me to try something new, or get involved in something.
A special shout-out to the Argus Courier's talented journalist, Yovanna Bieberich, editor, Chris Samson and photographer, Nina Zhito, the later of whom had to put with a gaggle of craftyness and a pile of frosted donuts as she climbed, manipulated, moved lights around my kitchen to get a shot of craft in action! Mafiosa mascot and crafty canine, Sweet Georgia adores her, and was so sorry to have missed her this photo shoot.
Support your local newspapers, folks. We need our local news and the people that work so hard to craft a paper for the community. Looky here for the article.
Peace, Love and Glitter!
Your Petaluma Craft Mafia
Sunday, July 26, 2009
PCM welcomes Hannah of Hannah Jolie Designs

Petaluma Craft Mafia is pleased to welcome our newest member, Hannah Musser of Hannah Jolie Designs. I've personally known Hannah for over six years. She has one of the best minds I know; smart, FUN, and the woman knows her music and books. I have been the lucky recipient of her friendship, and many CD's culled from her amazing collection as well. When Neil Young wrote, "Heart of Gold", I'm sure he had Hannah in mind. She is generous beyond a fault. Not to mention, Hannah is one of those rare and beautiful folks you know will be there in a crisis. She's there for you. She'd hold back your hair in an alcohol induced vomit session. For sure! Thick and thin times. Over beers, through the tears. She's a straight-shooter with a merciful hand, and she's a bit fearless. I have a lot of affection and respect for her.
Hannah describes herself as a "nerd" - and if she is, she makes "nerding" fun AND fashionable. She is one of those enviably crafty gals who excels at many things. She makes the most amazing jewelry, modern crafty floral corsages that make many a hipster prom queen or king sigh, and she works in the healing arts as well. (I am SO looking forward to my next massage H., hint, hint. :) We are proud to welcome her into the bosom of our crafty famiglia.
Between crafting and creating her own Indie business, working AND going to school, Hannah is a mom to two seriously adorable tow-headed boys, each with a mop of huge blonde curls, and wire-rimmed glasses. They are the cutest boys. I just wanna squeeze 'em. She makes mothering an art, and I admire her skills. Seriously lucky kids. I don't know how she does it all, but I can relate to her energy and enthusiasm and thrilled to welcome her as part our crafty famiglia.
Hannah Musser
Hannah Jolie Designs
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Makes her home in: Petaluma, CA
Craft: Jewelry and Floral adornments
Fond of: good beer and red-headed Irish blokes
PCM: Welcome Hannah, tell the folks a bit about what you do.
HM: I'm a floral designer, jewelry designer and currently establishing my own business doing those things I love.
PCM: What is your DIY style?
HM: I have an eclectic style, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I love working best with natural products. I love rare and rustic looks. I love the 1940's period and the style of clothing. The colors of Mexico inspire me, as does the ocean water.
PCM: You have a diverse heritage, rich in cultural goodness. From Irish to deep Mexican roots and a bit of German as well. How has your family influenced you?
HM: I grew up watching my abuelita, my mom, and aunts knitting and crocheting. My abuelita would make my doll's clothes by hand and outfits for me and my cousins. My father was a chef, a true artist in my eyes. I have always loved working with my hands. I went to floral design school for a trade and continued to design jewelry for gifts. I decided to just jump in one day and here I am.
PCM: Wow. How wonderful to be steeped in that creative infusion from such a young age by your loved ones. I agree that cooking is an artistic expression, and I find when I'm stressed or grappling over something difficult in my life, cooking helps unlock some of life's puzzling knots and eases the pain a bit. Speaking of food, what is your favorite Italian dish, mamacita?
HM: My Daddy's Cioppino!
PCM: Aww. No hesitation there! I love it when papa's cook. It's so great for kids to see men cook for the family. I think kids really benefit from the male domestic presence in the kitchen....usually! My father made his native New England foods, Maine-style baked beans, Whoopie pies, homemade doughnuts, not healthy stuff, but good stuff. We'd also hunt "wild" mushrooms in our back-woods together, identify them, pick 'em and bring them home to saute in butter... nobody else in the family, wisely, would touch them. I can't believe I'm still alive to tell the tale! LOL!
PCM: What's your sign baby?
HM: Taurus
PCM: You could have wrote the book, designed the are a true Taurus to a "T" generous, hard-working, strong and unwavering, appreciate fine family, friends, and a keen ear for music and beauty.
PCM: Why do you want to join our crafty famiglia?
HM: I love the crafty life and enjoy sharing it and being a part of that kind of structure. I also love Cheryl!
PCM: We heart you too, Hannah. We are gonna love your infectious joy and energy.
Love, peace and glitter,
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Struttin' our crafty/fashion stuff at Craftaluma's "Running with Glitter!"

"Running with Glitter" where the eco-conscious crafty and fashionistas come to play."
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Our December - May hibernation has come to and end. It felt soooo good! You've been wondering where we've been. I know, I know. But frankly, it felt marvelous to take a snooze from anything remotely smacking of blog and craft. But what better day then to celebrate spring, love, life, craft, ashion and um, glitter...yes, you heard right!
For the record we are strutting our crafty stuff at Craftaluma 2009 this season! The emails started with a slow trickle in late December following Mafia Made Holiday Craftacular, to a steady buzz of inquiries about WHEN our next Craftaluma will be! Gee, thanks everyone for your re-newed interest. We love you!! To set the record straight, yes, Craftaluma 2009 is in the works, and this year that fashion show I've been dreaming about for two years will happen! We have too many local talented Indie designers NOT to have a fashion show. I just know it! That's the Petaluma spirit! Coordinate that with the creative minds behind the Petaluma Craft Mafia, and it will be one heckuva a gittery good time! We are very excited!
Ambitious? Sure, this will be a bigger show, and very high energy with a glittery runway filled with craft, music, and the addition of a glittery runway with sashaying models sporting local handmade DIY fashion and accessories. An eco and up-cycle vibe is encouraged! All of it requires lots of coordination and planning . But you know by now, the PCM is always up for a challenge, and Ms. Moxie, our bella capo, loves to roll up her sleeves, toss the glitter in the air and see where it may land. We've got a hard-working, talented and fun famiglia and a cast of supportive awesome volunteers to help make it all happen. So, if you catch us MIA on the blogs, it's not because we've taken off to Greece like I keep dreaming about - at least not yet! No rest for the weary - crafty! (Martha, eat your heart out!)
We'll keep you posted about the date, and in the meantime, you can of course, always contact us here about applications. The Craftaluma, "Running with Glitter" site will have online applications as well. Vendors, round up your models, and of course your glitter. We are SO looking forward to the submission photos and the coordination between the designers!
Come and be inspired, and have a glittery good time!
Many glittery cheers, sashay, sashay!
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